This site has the one major purpose of helping the people of God — the brothers of the Lord Jesus, the many sons of God our Father — to prepare for the Lord's return. There are many who believe that, at the time of the Lord's coming, all genuine Christians will be taken from the earth together before the tribulation to meet with the Lord. Not only is this understanding incorrect, but in many cases it results in dear Christian brothers and sisters being lulled into a false sense of security regarding the endtime, and with that a complete lack of preparedness for the Lord’s return.
It is my hope that, through this site and the materials presented here, at least some of our Christian brethren will be awakened from the befuddling fog prevalent today regarding the Lord’s return, and find some spiritual help to ready themselves to face the Lord, the righteous Judge, in that day. 
May our dear Lord Jesus bless the visitors of this site with grace, patience, discernment, understanding, wisdom, and a willing heart to seek Him and run after Him, letting all other things fall away behind them as they stretch towards the goal of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.
© 2016-2024  Paul Cozza.  All rights reserved.