© 2016-2023  Paul Cozza.  All rights reserved.
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This book centers on Revelation 13, where the monstrous elements of Satan’s endtime plan are revealed. While most of what is written in this section of the Bible could be dismissed as satanic wonders or merely natural happenings, seeing what is occurring on the earth today leads me to believe that this is not the case. I believe technology will play a prominent role in Satan’s endtime plot; as those days approach, the role of technology will become ever more clear to God’s people. For, consider this: At the time the Bible was written, it was simply not possible to convey in God’s Word today’s technology and the technology that will be available at the close of this age. There were simply no words in existence to write of what science is producing today. Practically everything in our current technology would have seemed miraculous, magical, or demonic. An automobile? Impossible. A computer? Wizardry. By necessity, all modern technology is absent from the Bible — but that doesn’t mean it isn’t implied, or even present in some way. This book explores how technology and scripture meet during the events of the endtime.
78 pages