corresponds to the growth and building up of the church. Yes, there are many signs of the Lord’s return, but these are, more accurately, signs of at least a portion of the crop approaching maturity.
One great sign of Christ’s second coming is the reformation of the nation of Israel, which occurred in 1948. For the Lord’s return, Israel must exist as a nation. This was prophesied numer- ous times in both the Old and New Testaments. Another sign of the Lord’s impending return was the retaking of Jerusalem by Israel in 1967. According to prophecy, Jerusalem must have been returned to the Jews before the Lord Jesus can come back. Still a third sign of the endtime is the collapse of the Soviet empire. Through this, hundreds of thousands of Jews have returned to Israel. In addition, this collapse has allowed the spread of the gospel to Russia, a land darkened by 70 years of atheistic com- munism. The spread of the gospel to the whole earth was clearly mentioned by the Lord in the Gospels as occurring before the end would come. The fulfillment of all these prophecies has much to do with the Lord’s second coming.
Daily the Lord is arranging the outward circumstances, that all the remaining Biblical prophecies might be fulfilled. How- ever, as His believers and seekers, we should not have our heart set upon outward signs. Our heart should be fixed upon the growth in life of the believers, and the building up of the church. It is for this that we must pray and labor. We must watch over the outward situation as those who have not fallen asleep, as those who have not been carried away into drunkenness with the un- believers, and as those who do not mock the promise of our Lord’s return. Our hearts should be set upon the spiritual growth of the Lord’s children.
The time of the end will be intense for all men. On one hand, God will intervene in wisdom to arrange an environment that helps to ripen the immature believers. In addition, God will deal with the unbelieving nation of Israel, to bring her to repentance. Finally, God will step in to fully judge the nations. On the other hand, Satan will continue in every possible way to attempt to frustrate the believers in their growth in life, the church in her building up, and the Lord in His preparation for His return. He
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